Build Trust with Traumatized Clients and Your Team
Culture of Trust: Improve Relationships, Morale and Performance at Work
& with Clients
Date: Thursday, June 22nd, 2023Time:
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern
11:30 am - 1:00 pm Central
10:30 am - Noon Mountain
9:30 am - 11:00 am PacificCost: $10/person or $500 for your entire agency (every person you register above 50 is free)CEUs: This training qualifies for 1.5 CEUs for social work, nursing, behavioral health, and more depending on the rules of your state's board.Recording: The live webinar will get recorded and made available for 90 days.
Webinar Description
Trust is the foundation of marginalized clients with trauma, and of a healthy workplace with high morale.When trust is lacking resistance, tension and burnout are high, needless conflict spreads, and outcomes suffer.When trust is present clients are more cooperative, efficiency increases, and people support one another.To excel as an organization that effectively serves clients and has a happy and productive team, the following must happen:
Managers and supervisors trust their staff.
Employees trust management.
Clients trust both the professionals and the organization serving them.
Clients that have experienced trauma and those part of marginalized communities often (and understandably) have a lower level of trust in systems and service providers.However, to effectively serve these clients we must bridge the trust gap!In this webinar you will learn how to bridge that gap to produce better outcomes with marginalized clients, and how to have a thriving trust-filled team.
What clients and co-workers look for to determine if they are willing to trust you.
The consequences of low trust relationships and environments.
11 unique, overlooked traits that have a big impact on trust.
5 traits that erode trust and increase skepticism (and how to avoid these).
How to restore trust once it is lost.
This training will also help your team build trust and support with one another, operate more efficiently, and increase morale.Trust can serve as our greatest benefit or biggest liability. Get ready to learn how to reap the benefits of high trust relationships and work environments in this dynamic training!
Speaker: Josh Dye
Josh is the President & Founder of the Convene Training + Resilience Community.Since 2010 he has provided training on building trust to professionals that work in high stress environments, like health and human services, behavioral health, contracted case management, homelessness, reentry, refugee services, CASAs, nonprofits, government, and more.Attendees in over 1,500 of his presentations have learned how to harness the courage to lead, create, have tough conversations, maximize precious time, and leverage moments of failure for meaningful growth.What separates Josh apart from other speakers and trainers is how he combines practical, actionable tips with inspiration and motivation. He doesn’t just tell you what to do, he charts the course for how to do it. Josh authentically speaks from his own experiences, benefiting audiences with lessons from both his successes and gut-wrenching failures.In 2006 Josh earned a Bachelor's Degree in Housing Studies from the University of Minnesota. In 2010 he earned a Master's Degree in Public & Nonprofit Administration from Metropolitan State University.
Convene Training +
Resilience Community
The Convene Training + Resilience Community is hosting this webinar.Convene was founded by Josh Dye, and offers training to government, nonprofit, contracted case management, and professionals that help other people.While training at conferences across the country for the past 15 years, Josh noticed two big problems plaguing the sector.1. High rates of stress, burnout and staff turnover.2. Budgets that severely limit access to high-quality training for staff. Many agencies can only afford to train a small portion of their people, leaving many without the learning opportunities they need to be successful and feel supported by their employers.Convene was created to solve these problems and offers affordable training opportunities with CEUs each year.
Josh Dye
President & Founder
Convene Training + Resilience Community
[email protected]